Amazing busboy
Amazing busboy

amazing busboy

His story breaks my heart and I’m asking you all to assist me in helping him out. Those that may know me, know that I am a family man and have experienced my own tragedy having lost a parent from Cancer. My hope is that the donations from all you angels will give him a financial cushion, covering him and his family’s basic needs for a few months, while he gets his health in order. I’m afraid that he’s overworking himself and needs to step back in order to regain health and strength. One might ponder, why isn’t this man taking it easy and focusing primarily on his health? As circumstances would have it, he can’t afford such a luxury especially having two young children. This young man is also undergoing chemo for aggressive cancer, which hasn’t been improving.

amazing busboy amazing busboy

The time was the 1970’s and disco was king. Al’s travels landed him in Aspen Colorado. So much so at the tender age of eighteen Al left his native Detroit Michigan and headed out west to seek his fortune as a self-avowed Ski bum. While he still carries on with a sparkle in his eye and determination, that stroke is the least of his worries. The story of Al Biernat’s begins with a young Al having a passion for skiing. Recently Jose had a stroke, making the left side of his face paralized. He brings good energy to our work environment, but behind that smile and courteous demeanor is a man humbled by adversity. For as long as I’ve known him, he’s proven to be hardworking, motivated and extremely helpful- making him an amazing busboy and asset to the service industry. If I may speak briefly about Jose, I just want to start with the fact that he is one of the kindest, gentlest souls I have ever met. 3, He is the best busboy at our restaurant. Hi my name is Baylen and I am raising money for my coworker Jose who is in desperate need. My friend was a busboy at one of the most famous restaurants in New York.

Amazing busboy